Monday, October 20, 2008

We're not in Guatemala

We didn't go to Guatemala, after all. Some things came up in the family, and after some thought and discussion and prayer, we felt like we ought to stay home. So here I sit on a cool, rainy October afternoon at Genevieve's computer, while she is strolling the beaches of Kauai. (Scott had a business trip to Hawaii, so Gen invited herself along. I would have, too.)

I sorta forgot about our blog. Apologies to all you serious bloggers. Actually, I think I'm being slowly converted to blogging after noting the phenomenal reaction of the blogging world to Stephanie Neilson's (NieNie's) tragedy. She is the sister of Courtney Kendrick, who works with me on Segullah. It all reminds me how powerful words are, how much good we can do with the Word.

Speaking of which, most of you know about Segullah's brand new book, The Mother in Me, published by Deseret Book. Our whole staff created this compilation of stories and poems about growing into motherhood. All you young mothers will especially love it, so be sure to get a copy.
I know and both sell it. My story is about adopting Grace and Gloria. We just had a benefit book launch in Orem on Saturday to raise money for the Neilson family's rehab fund. We're working now on preparing our manuscript for our second book in the series, which deals with school age children and teens. More on that as it develops.

So Nathan Garfield is here! Check out Bayra's blog to see the latest pictures. I was so grateful to be in Chicago for his beautiful birth and his first two weeks of life. I really miss Zach, too, so I'm excited that they are all coming to Camas for Christmas. And super excited that they will be moving to Portland next year for Garrett's job with Holland and Knight! What with the change in our Guatemala plans, we had 8 people in our house all summer, which was unexpected, but turned out to be just fine. It was especially fun to have Zach appear at the top of the stairs every morning calling, "Hi, Nonna!"

I think I'll still call us the Guatemala Garfields. What the heck, some of us are, anyway, all the time! I'll try to be a better blogger and learn how to post pictures.

Love to all,